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infringing act中文是什么意思

用"infringing act"造句"infringing act"怎么读"infringing act" in a sentence


  • 侵权行为
  • "infringe"中文翻译    vt. 破坏(法律等),侵犯(权利等),违反(协议等)。 ...
  • "act"中文翻译    n. 1.行为;举动;动作。 2.决议,决议书;法令,条 ...
  • "cease the infringing act" 中文翻译 :    停止侵害
  • "infringing copies" 中文翻译 :    侵权复制品
  • "infringing copy" 中文翻译 :    侵权复制品; 违法复制件
  • "infringing goods" 中文翻译 :    侵权货物
  • "infringing party" 中文翻译 :    侵权人
  • "infringing products" 中文翻译 :    侵权产品
  • "copyright-infringing software" 中文翻译 :    未经授权软件
  • "infringing acts, invasive conduct" 中文翻译 :    侵权行为
  • "scale of infringing activity" 中文翻译 :    侵权活动的规模
  • "act" 中文翻译 :     = 1.Association of Classroom Teachers (美国)任课教师协会。 2.American College Test 美国大学测验。 3.Australian Capital Territory (澳大利亚)首都直辖区。 n. 1.行为;举动;动作。 2.决议,决议书;法令,条例。 3.(戏剧的)幕,段;简短的节目。 4.(牛津;剑桥等大学的)学位论文答辩。 an act of hostility 【法律】敌对行为。 Act III, Scene ii 第三幕,第二场。 Act and deed 有约束力的契约;文据。 Act of God [Providence, Nature] 【法律】不可抗力,天灾。 Act of grace 恩典,特典;〔A-〕大赦令。 Act of Parliament [Congress] 法令。 The Acts (of the Apostles) (基督教《圣经新约全书》中的)《使徒行传》。 Get into the act 插手,参加。 Have act or part in 参与,是…的同谋犯。 In the (very) act (of) 正在动作时;当场 (be caught in the act 当场被捕)。 Put on an act 〔口语〕装腔;炫耀自己。 To be in act to 〔古语〕将要。 vt. 1.演(戏);扮演(角色)。 2.学,仿效,装。 Act the lord 装阔。 He acted his part well. 他演得不错;他做得不错。 vi. 1.作,干,实行,举止。 2.生效,发生作用。 3.当演员;充当,装作。 act the fool 做傻事情;出洋相。 How ought I to act? 我应该怎么办呢? The medicine acts well. 药效不错。 The brake did not act. 煞车不灵了。 Act against 违反(法律等);作不利于…的事。 Act a part 扮演;装作,做戏。 Act as (guide) 做(向导)。 Act for 代理。 Act on 1. 遵行,奉行,按照…行动。 2. 作用于,对…起作用[反应],影响到,有效验 (Mind acts upon mind. 心心相印)。 Act one's age 〔美口〕行为聪明有礼,有大人气了,不再顽皮了。 Act the part of (Hamlet benefactor), 演(哈姆雷特);做(保护人)。 Act towards (a person) 待人。 Act up 〔美口〕 1. 开玩笑,调皮。 2. (机器等)出毛病。 Act up to 实行,遵守,遵照。 Act upon= act on (We must heed the correct views, and act upon them. 对正确的意见必须听,并且照它做)。 Acting in the spirit of 本着…的精神。
  • "act as" 中文翻译 :    充当,担任; 充当,扮演; 担当; 担任,充当; 担任,充任
  • "act as if" 中文翻译 :    行为象什么一样
  • "act for" 中文翻译 :    相当于; 作为…代理人,代理
  • "act of will" 中文翻译 :    意志行为
  • "act on" 中文翻译 :    按…行事; 按照...行动; 按照…而行动; 对…起作用; 对……起作用;按照……行动; 奉行,按照…行动; 其于……而行动; 施于; 照行事; 遵照……而执行; 遵照……行动,奉行;对……起作用; 作用
  • "in the act of" 中文翻译 :    正做……的过程中
  • "will act" 中文翻译 :    遗嘱法, 遗嘱条例
  • "act act in the living present" 中文翻译 :    趁着活生生的现在
  • "act comparability act" 中文翻译 :    薪资比较法
  • "act of god; act of god" 中文翻译 :    天灾;不可抗力
  • "from act to act" 中文翻译 :    娱乐插班生
  • "illegal act; unlawful act" 中文翻译 :    违法行为
  • "the bubble act repeal act" 中文翻译 :    泡沫废止法


  • In addition to civil remedies , the law provides criminal sanctions for various infringing acts
  • The law of the place where an infringing act is committed shall apply in handling compensation claims for any damage caused by the act
  • Article 146 the law of the place where an infringing act is committed shall apply in handling compensation claims for any damage caused by the act
  • The phenomena such as laxity in law enforcement and leniency in punishing infringing acts existing in some local authorities should also be supervised and eliminated
  • The administrative authority could order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately and mediate on damages at the request of the parties concerned
  • The patent law provided that the patentee and interested party could request the administrative authority for patent affairs to handle the infringing act
  • The customs shall provide assistance upon the receipt of a notification from the people ' s court for assistance in execution of an order to cease an infringing act or for preservation of property
  • Article 32 the infringing acts committed prior to the entry into operation of this regulation shall be handled under the relevant provisions in force of the state at the time when they were committed
  • Where the losses suffered by the injured operator are difficult to calculate , the amount of damages shall be the profits gained by the infringer during the period of infringement through the infringing act
  • The relevant administrative department for industry and commerce had the power to order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately and to compensate the infringed right - holder for its or his losses
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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